Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Catch up.

Hey. It's Lauren. I've neglected this blog for no reason in particular. To update you I am alive. I'm still in Seattle desperately waiting for the Sun to come out. I'm still listening to Adele on repeat, although not as often and not as loud. I've injured my upper thigh last week so instead of runs I go for nice, long walks up to the grocery store for more milk and yes, tons more cereal. I am happily still employed at REI. Oh, I got fired from my pizza job. My manager said my bad attitude made the servers uncomfortable. That they were upset I didn't call out "Yes" or "Definitely" every time they shouted a salad order at me. They never said "Please", they threw their dishes and plates anywhere they pleased, they showed little or no interest in the fact I was a human being, etc. So, he had to let me go. It is pretty telling how little I care. Shoot, I no longer wash dishes. Darn. And this is not to say washing dishes is not a valid career, it's just not what I see for myself right now or ever again. On the flip side I had a job interview at my favorite restaurant this afternoon. I got my hair did, pulled together an outfit with the help of a lovely lady from Express and answered all of his questions with confidence and delight. I'm up against thirty other individuals - and honestly, if I don't land the job I'll know in my heart I tried my best.

I've been dating too! I may not be smitten just yet but I'm out there - loud and proud.

I'M YOUNG AND FRESH AND FEMALE <--- I didn't intend for that to be in all caps but I kind of like the way it looks. People should scream more. For no reason.

I thank my family and friends for all of their support.
Like I said, I just got my hair did. Boom.
I run a half marathon in 18 days.
My cat still has the asthma, although with the air purifier in place I've never felt fresher.
I've been finding gray hairs in random places.
At what age is it appropriate to wear elastic waisted jeans?

Instead, I just want your burrito.


                                              =   L O V E


  1. your hair looks gorgeous! Good luck interviewing :)

  2. Well, it's been a week or so since I was at your place last, I think, but it is possible the gray hairs are mine. I got my first silver strand at 17, WTF. Thanks for the genes, Mama.

    Anyway, if so, I apologize for shedding at your place.

    Also, I really hope you get that job. I love you!

  3. Stop it with the gray hairs. Seriously.
