Wednesday, February 23, 2011

On dreams and life.

I went to bed early last night. I had cooked a pretty healthy meal for dinner but by 8pm I was hungry all over again. The peanut M&M's on my table were calling my name, yelling it, so I decided to turn the t.v. off and head to bed with my cat and a book. I felt like Ellen Burstyn in 'Requiem for a Dream' when she's so hungry she thinks the refrigerator and all the food inside is chasing her. To be honest, I felt a little crazy. I nestled into bed not realizing a night of bizarre, extremely vivid dreams were on their way. The subject matters were hazy at best but most certainly involved old girlfriends, old friends, odd creatures, chocolate milk, 'The Bachelor', new friends, sex and love, green smoothies, familiar places that only exist in my head and what my life would be like if I worked on a dude ranch. I woke up numerous times in the night, every two hours it seemed, with boob and face sweat. Were they nightmares? And really, how does a lady prevent future episodes of boob sweat? Perhaps they were a reflection of how I've been feeling lately: stressed about money, nervous about my future, a desire to sometimes go to bed instead of dealing with life. Sad, right? Typing this out makes me sound depressed. I'll admit, I'm a little down today. I'll allow myself one day to be upset. Not even. I'm going to put my running shoes on and run until I feel better. I need to clear this head of mine and know in my heart everything will be okay. I'm not the only one struggling right now. I can't be ..

My life is good. I have my health and friends and family and food..

And dang, I'm going to eat the hell out of those M&M's tonight .. What?

1 comment:

  1. you are definitely NOT the only one going through this.
    Also boob sweat (or as I like to call it, boobie butter) is the worst!
    Chin up, Wilson. I love you and am just a video chat away.
